Rafaella Christoforou
I am blessed with the letters of an alphabet and I am the'Mother of Alfarale'
Rafaella’s artistic and curatorial voyage expores both concept and idea; of the textual language in art both written and metaphorically.
Artist's Statement
Throughout the years Rafaella, has developed an imitable alphabet that comes out of her self really physically, an alphabet of new signs and objects, an unreadable for the majority that she is constantly creating and investigating thoroughly.
Rafaella’s artistic and curatorial voyage expores both concept and idea; of the textual language in art both written and metaphorically. She is interested in the trouble and the missundersdanding of the words, dialectos, letters and language(s) itself. More specifically, she is investigating the idea in which words tend to lose its references and by doing so are capable of finding new meanings and becomes totally something else. She defines her self as ‘the painter of writing as the writer of painting’ literary. Rafaella, paints the feeling of writing and the emotion of a letter by hand she is focusing in the process of writing as much in the genesis, of a new. What new?
"The artist tends to paint the feeling of writing and the emotion of a letter by hand; she is focusing in the process of writing as much in the genesis of the new…"

shop alfarale's
I assume, the act of the live performance is within my work’s nature and inside my hands gesture! My artworks are in motion of speaking and performing themselves, from writings to paintings to live performances, steel and kinetic sound installations…